
UHS Survey Unique Among Universities

According to Katie Cotter, Yale Health Plan's senior member services representative, Yale students who fill out comment cards in the health center often complain about long waits for popular services.

Yale is currently implementing an "open access" appointment system to reduce waiting times, guaranteeing students an appointment within three days in response to student complaints.

Like Harvard, Yale is trying to increase awareness of health service offerings by distributing "stress balls, frisbees and water bottles"--as well as information, Cotter said.


Yale College Council President Jamie Ponsoldt said the outreach efforts at his school have made a difference.

"It seems like the undergraduate health services is making a concerted effort to reach out to students at this point," he said. "There's a real strong effort here, reaching out through other student organizations."

Still, he said, some dissatisfaction with University health offerings may be par for the course.

"I think most students see it in the same way as they see dining hall food," Ponsoldt said. "It's what we've got, it's what you're going to go to, you don't have much choice about it."

"I don't think they're ecstatic about it, but I haven't heard anyone saying they're going to blow up the place," he added.

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