

A Woman for the Right Reason

But I wasn't trying to be critical; I am genuinely concerned about how liberal activists on the White House Project (and conservative activists, for that matter) can be indifferent that that their work might bring a woman of any political stripe to the Oval Office. Wilson didn't answer that part of my question, so I'm still wondering. I don't think I can support the White House Project for its non-partisan approach, though I admire its cooperative spirit, but I will support such organizations as Emily's List, which works to elect liberal women to public office at all levels. With any luck, before too long we'll have a woman president who's also a liberal, maybe even one of the talented and principled women I saw in the audience at Wilson's speech.


Susannah B. Tobin '00 is a classics concentrator in Lowell House. Her column will appear biweekly.

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