
Summer News Wrap-Up

Considered an expert on constitutional law, Neelan was scheduled to teach a law school course on Ethnicity, Constitutionalism and Human Rights and a seminar on Federalism, Diversity and Group Rights this fall

Neelan was killed when a suicide bomber with explosives strapped to his body leapt from a motorcycle onto Neelan's car in a busy intersection, according to the Daily News in Colombo. Police are still looking for the motorcycle driver.


Term Bill Mix-up Overbills Thousands

A glitch in billing office software led Harvard to bill thousands of students for more tuition money than they actually owe this month.

Term bills sent out two weeks ago billed all students for the entire cost of their tuition--$16,802 a person this semester--without deducting the amount of students' expected financial aid packages.


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