
Radcliffe Alumnae Skeptical Of Final Deal

As Harvard and Radcliffe prepare to sign a final merger document this month, leaders of the Radcliffe College Alumnae Association (RCAA) are taking a "wait and see" approach to the deal, which omits any mention of the alumnae organization.

Although negotiators have attempted to address issues important to Radcliffe graduates, the silence on RCAA leaves some uneasy.

"As it is, it seemed to be very vague and left a lot to the imagination, I think deliberately on some people's parts," said RCAA Second Vice President Diana E. Post '67.

"I would have been happier probably with a more detailed set of rules and regulations that I haven't really seen yet," Post added.


Alums who are not in the RCAA leadership are even less informed about the deal, they said.

"I have not heard any details," said Carol F. Lieberman '61, president of the Radcliffe Club of Boston. "I have heard nothing about where it's going or what's happening and, to my knowledge, neither has anybody else."

Still, RCAA President A'Lelia P. Bundles '74 said she is "optimistic" about the final merger agreement, but added that the alumnae's fears are not entirely placated.

"The proof will be in the pudding," Bundles said. "We have to see what the Radcliffe Institute is really going to be... It'll be a very difficult balance to strike, and if they don't strike it, it will be very hard to raise money."

Although the document makes no mention of the RCAA, Mary Maples Dunn, interim president of Radcliffe College, has assured RCAA leaders she will continue funding the alumnae association. However, Dunn has not yet announced how funding levels will compare to those in past years.

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