
Radcliffe Alumnae Skeptical Of Final Deal

Historically RCAA has been a line item in the Radcliffe College budget. The association sponsors speakers, conferences and programs for graduates, as well as assisting with reunions. In the past it has taken a more activist stance than the Harvard Alumni Association, with RCAA leaders using their platform to lobby both Radcliffe and Harvard on behalf of undergraduate women.

Dunn says Radcliffe has tried to keep alumnae's concerns in mind.


"I've tried to give the RCAA assurances that the Institute will continue to support them," Dunn said. "We need their moral support to give us the credibility we need in the community of women."

Bundles said she trusts Dunn to keep the alumnae association's interests in mind.

"I love the fact that she is a straight-shooter...and that she has a real appreciation for the value of alums," Bundles said.

But as interim leader of Radcliffe, Dunn's tenure will be brief--no more than a year or two, she has estimated.

"Who this new dean is going to be is really key," Bundles said.

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