
Harvard, Radcliffe To Sign Finalized Merger This Week

Newly formed trust to support womens issues

The Radcliffe Trust, funded by the College and the new Radcliffe Institute, will develop a grant process this year under the leadership of Assistant Dean of the College Karen E. Avery '87. The trust will take over the programmatic responsibilities of the two-year-old Harvard College Women's Initiative, which sponsors lectures and awards related to women's issues.

"This is the year of transition, the year when undergraduates work things out with Harvard College," says Interim Radcliffe President Mary Maples Dunn.


Radcliffe officials have also spent the summer preparing the school for its October reincarnation. A $110,000 foundation grant will help cover administrative costs of the transition, ranging from new letterheads to a new Web site.

The fund will also cover the salary of Assistant Dean of Planning Polly A. Steele, brought on board this summer to start the intensive search for the Institute's first group of research scholars, who will join Radcliffe next fall.

A committee including some former members of the Radcliffe Board of Trustees will begin meeting in October to start the search for the Institute's first permanent dean.

And after the merger, Radcliffe officials will step up fundraising efforts for the Institute. Officials have said they still hope to complete Radcliffe College's seven-year-old $100 million capital campaign.

Campaign totals currently stand at just over $80 million, but Radcliffe Board of Trustees Chairman Nancy-Beth G. Sheerr '71 has said Radcliffe hopes to finish the campaign by Dec. 31, when Harvard wraps up its own $2.1 billion capital campaign.

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