
MIT Senior Will Advocate Student Representation

"[Cantabrigians] are familiar with the issues and the environment. I don't think that someone who is living in Cambridge temporarily should try to make a huge impact on the city," Russell said.

"I wonder why he's doing it," she added.

But Snowberg said he thinks that knowledge of traditional Cambridge issues is not necessarily important for election, though he said that he is familiar with matters such as rent control.


"You don't need to know those things to be on the council," Snowberg said.

Snowberg said his campaign will focus on keeping the MBTA open later, improving bike safety, and increasing communication between residents and students.

Even with his own agenda, some councillors said they doubt Snowberg's campaign will transform city government.

"He would probably bring up different issues [than what we deal with now]," Russell said. "But he would not have a huge impact."

Other councillors said the city's voting history works against Snowberg.

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