
The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project is unique and scary. The premise is original, and the movie taps into many primal fears (of the dark, of being alone, of the unknown) without being cheesy or obvious. But I don't think it quite lives up to the buzz around it. When I got out of the 1:45 showing on Thursday afternoon, already all the shows from 7:05 on had sold out. Part of the reason must be that Kendall Square Cinema is the only place in the Boston area that's showing The Blair Witch Project. But I think it's also because of the intriguing premise, which sounds better than it is. It promises to be real, and therefore terrifying. With every jerky shot, we remember that "it's a movie," so "it's only a movie." That may be for the best. The Blair Witch Project is still chilling.


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