
Guards Likely to Approve Deal With University

Entire union will vote on the contract July 9

"I have very good relations with Harvardbecause I am a city boy, raised in Cambridge. Ilike the University children and their families,and this new group doesn't respect labor. It'sdisgraceful," he said.

Travers also said he was upset at the fact thathis boss, Jim Sarafin, has great control over manyemployees even though he has been working asassistant manager of the parking office for just afew months.

"He has been crucifying me for the past threemonths," Travers said. "I am under doctor's care,and he wants a note from the doctor when I leave."

"We're worn out and I can't put up with thisman anymore," Travers added. "He has to go by thecontract. You shouldn't have to have a note fromyour doctor. If there's nothing being done I willsue the University and get my own attorney."

The Guards' Union was created three years agowhen the guards broke away from the custodian'sunion because they felt they were being treatedunfairly. The guards have been without a contractfor that entire period.


Items that had been at issue during contractnegotiations included raises, sick leave andvacation time

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