
Dukakis Speaks at Institute of Politics

And just as Governor A. Paul Cellucci did in his Summer-in-Boston speech last week, Dukakis encouraged the audience to consider going into politics.

"This is a great time to think really seriously about going into public service, in my opinion," he said. "I hope a lot of you will think seriously about elected office."


He credited higher standards and a field open to all kinds of candidates as creating a good environment for public servants.

"The quality and caliber of people in politics is light years better than it was 30 years ago," he said.

"You don't have to be a famous name. You don't have to be born into wealth," he added. "That's one of the great things about government here, in my judgement."

Dukakis also encouraged students to participate in state and local government, calling it more enjoyable than national politics.

"I love being in a position where I can really make a difference and see it," he said.

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