
Speaker Selection Process Sometimes Puts Harvard at Disadvantage

Unlike Harvard, many universities pay their speakers, providing them an honorarium in addition to the honor.

"They always have trouble because we don't pay honoraria," says Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III.

Although Harvard has always conferred an honorary degree on its commencement speaker, it gives no such recognition to Class Day speakers.

Santos says that, while awarding honoraria might attract more famous speak- ers, it would ruin the spirit of Class Day.

"There are a lot of people out there who woulddo it if they received an honorary degree," Santossays. "But Class Day is about giving the classinspiration. It's the one event everybody goesto."

In addition to these disadvantages, there aresome who simply prefer other places to Harvard.


After scheduling difficulties, "the second mostpopular reason is that some people are of themindset that...they would rather go to a schoolthat has more trouble" attracting speakers, Davissays. "Harvard students have so many opportunitiesto have celebrities visit."

And for many luminaries, it is preferable tospeak at Commencement, which typically eclipsesClass Day in importance.

"If the person is a really well-known person,they would expect to be the commencement speaker,"Hunt says.

Administrators and students have suggestionsfor making Harvard more competitive in theselection process.

"I think what we'll try to to convincethem that there are a list of people who are justgoing to say no," Jellis says. "We should just tryto steer clear of them unless we have the personalcontact."

Or, say others, if Harvard students want themost famous they must start the search in thespring.

"They're looking for a national figure. Theonly way to do that is for the class next year tosit down now," Simpson says.

But Jellis says there are no plans to alter thepractice of electing class marshals at thebeginning of the fall semester. Without electingthe marshals any earlier, it is unlikely that theselection process will get off to a much quickerstart.

A Simpson Class Day

Fortunately, Harvard has its own its own cadreof luminaries who can serve as speakers if themore famous speakers can not come.

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