

House renovation typically follows a four-year cycle between renovations, Power said.

Apthorp House, the home of the Adams House masters, will also be undergoing interior and exterior renovations this summer.

Renovations have also already begun at the Harvard Law School, where an exterior rehabilitation is being performed on the historic Austin Hall.

The building, which houses the Ames courtroom, was built in 1883 and until 1907 was the only building at HLS.

Byerly Hall, the home of the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, is already cloaked in scaffolding as part of a restoration and renovation project to preserve the building's historical character. The building has been designated a historic building by the Cambridge Historical Commission.


According to Scott Sandberg, a facilities assistant at Radcliffe, work on Byerly Hall this summer will include refurbishing the roof, working on the chimney and doing interior painting.

Those restorations are likely to take the entire summer.

Of course, the College will not be responsible for all the construction activity in Harvard Square.

Construction will continue on Winthrop Square and the renovations to Grendel's Den. Additionally, trendy retail giant Abercrombie & Fitch will open in the Read Block building that houses the Cambridge Savings Bank.

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