"I myself have not really changed my position,"he says. "I suppose at that point, I was anti theanti-war movement. They were self-indulgent,simple-minded, acting out neurotic stuff in theirlives."
"It lowered my estimate of the moral courage ofmost people in academia," Levenson said. "It leftme with a sense of fragility in academic life intimes of political discord."
A Delicate Balance
The Memorial Church group formed after the bustas moderate students tried to find a compromisebetween radicals and the administration. KennethM. Glazier spoke up at the first chaotic meetingand suddenly became a leader of the moderategroup.
While Glazier became involved in the PhillipsBrooks House Association immediately aftergraduation, traveling to Africa, he now works as alawyer in California. He says trying to find amiddle ground in 1969 left him with a distrust ofany radicals.
"The more sure people are of their positions,the more suspicious I become," he says.
Much of his work as a lawyer now centers onmediation.
"It was a pretty sobering experience to see howfuriously uprighteous they were," he says ofstudent radicals. "It had a significance of courseon me; something that powerful doesn't pass."
Having served as president of a student-Facultycommittee which attempted to head off anti-warcontroversy before the takeover, Glazier said hewas permanently disillusioned by the HarvardCorporation's refusal to listen to the Facultysuggestions on ROTC.
"The Faculty was told on this really burningissue to go fly a kite and that the captains ofindustry were going to come in and decide," hesays. "There was a sense of arrogance and we knowwhat is good for the students."
Men in the Middle
Having to work as a student, teacher and Houseofficial, Peter Wood says he tried to stay out ofthe debate. But now he says that the students'perspectives were ignored by the powers-that-werein the late '60s.
"'I think probably I would have been on thelenient side," Wood says. "I was conscious of thepoint that the perspective of the students was notbeing adequately presented at the national level."
Now a history professor at Duke University,Wood says the events of 1969 helped him gain anappreciation for what passion can do foreducation.
"Because of that experience in 1969, I knowthat there can be a moment of tremendous energyand learning when they debate issues and payattention," he says.
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