
The City & Region

A Counterculture City Catered to College Students

"Our cheese, beef and chocolate fondues were very popular on Valentine's Day," she says.

As opposed to the khaki-pant laden displays of today's Gap and Express, Kuelzer recalls small store windows displaying "hippy things--bongs, pipes and psychedelic stuff."

Paper Back Booksmith, located across the street from the Brattle Street Theater kept its doors open 24 hours a day. A popular student hangout, Booksmith often filled up with customers after a movie finished at the theater across the street.

"Classical music played [in the store] all night," Kramer says. "It was a great place to hang out."

He says his own store sold "lots of anti-war books" as well as many philosophy and history selections.


The Harvard Provision Company billed its alcohol delivery service to Harvard dorms while Buddy's Sirloin Pit on Brattle Street advertised a sirloin steak dinner for $2.99 and a 12 oz. Michelob for 50 cents. At Bailey's Ice Cream, a large ice cream cone was just 35 cents.

Club Casablanca, nicknamed "Casa B," was a popular student bar located in the basement of the Brattle Street Theater.

"Especially on weekends, [Casa B] is mobbed, noisy and full of people you will probably recognize," The Crimson wrote.

Students also frequented Club 47 on Mt. Auburn Street to listen to folk music legends like Bob Dylan and Joan Baez.

R. Michelle Green '74 said she liked to go to the Pewter Pot--located where the Greenhouse Restaurant sits today--to order her regular meal of a Coke, a date muffin and clam chowder.

Still, Cambridge's attractions were not always enough to keep undergraduates off-campus. Green says she and a friend also enjoyed playing pool in the Freshman Union, now the Barker Center.

"There was a billiard table on the second floor," Green says. "There weren't that many girls around at that time, so we were a bit of a novelty."

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