
Armstrong Helps Lead Radcliffe From the First Female Crew to the Final Merger

She is most interested in a group that she has chaired for the last two years examining the role of women Faculty and the tenure track.

"All of us would like to see more women on the Faculty especially on the undergraduate level," she says. "The numbers in the graduate schools are better."

Armstrong explains that there is no mandatory retirement rules for Faculty so the further additions of female Faculty "will come along slowly. It has to!"


Harvard administrators and alumni praise Armstrong's leadership and dedication to the University.

"It has been delightful to work with her. She's smart and, most importantly, she understands Harvard. And it can be a complicated place," says Vice Chair of the Executive Board of Overseers, Stephen P. Kay '56.

Joan M. Hutchins '61, a colleague of Armstrong's on the Board of Overseers and the new president of the Board, praises the plans for the new Radcliffe in particular.

"I am very pleased with the plans for the institute and [Armstrong] has certainly had a huge part in that success," she says.

"I have been an admirer of Charlotte for many years. She has so much to offer and really understands alumni and their concerns. It is a privilege to follow behind her. She's a role model for me," she adds.

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