
M. Lax Struggles to Replace Graduates, Staggers to 3-10

"Ethan's been an excellent captain," sophomore attackman Dana Sprong said. "He's played through nagging injuries and has always been there for us."

All the team's weaknesses were put on display for the last game of the year against Dartmouth. In a surprising burst of offense, Watson's hat trick and De Vries's pair of goals helped stake Harvard out to a 7-1 halftime lead.

However, the inexperienced Crimson slipped into cruise control while the Big Green poured it on for a nine-goal barrage, while Harvard could barely counter with two for a 10-9 loss.

With one more crushing defeat in the books, Harvard can only hope that somewhere, this young squad which returns all but one player has learned something for next season.

"I've got to give this team credit," Anderson said. "They've been excited for every game, and that's hard to do. We gained a lot of experience this year and that will make us better."


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