
Honorands Include Cartoonist, Economist

Julia Kristeva

Kristeva, the director of the Doctoral Programin Language, Literatures and Civilizations at theUniversity of Paris, is a noted literary theoristand linguist.

She is a graduate of the University of Sofia,in Bulgaria, and is among the first theorists toexamine the implications of the structurallinguistics of poetics.

Now a practicing psychoanalyst, Kristeva willreceive a Doctorate of Laws.

Mario Vargas Llosa


Llosa, a native of Peru, is a recipient of theNational Book Critics Circle Award and theCervantes prize for literature, among othershonors. He has written over 12 novels, includingThe War of the End of the World.

In 1990, the writer made a bid for the Peruvianpresidency, but won only one-third of the vote.The election culminated in a dictatorship in Peruand forced Llosa to live a life of exile.

Llosa received his B.A. at the UniversidadNacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima and hisdoctorate at Universidad Complutense in Madrid.

Llosa came to Harvard in 1992 as the Robert F.Kennedy visiting professor. He will be receiving aDoctorate of Letters

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