
Dean Epps Steps Down After 26 Years

Epps sometimes championed student calls foraction, including the recent demands for a newstudents center, even though many otheradministrators called this idea unfeasible.

Epps advocated for the building--which he saidshould be called College Hall--to accommodate therecent growth in the number of studentorganizations, from 90 in 1980 to over 240 lastyear.

Epps has been involved with some of thesegroups on more than a purely supervisory basis. Hewas a member of the Harvard Glee Club during the1950s and '60s, and to this day sings with them attheir football concerts.

And after dealing with what Epps calls the "hotpotato issues" of his early years as a dean, thestudent center proposal has allowed Epps to leaveon a high note.

"There's been some smooth sailing for a coupleyears," Seton says.


"He's been involved with space and the studentcenter and alcohol policy and stuff like that,"Seton adds. "There hasn't been anythingdevastatingly controversial that he's beeninvolved in that would ignite great passion."

In recent years, even Epps' more controversialstands seem to have been forgotten.

"After 30 years of service, people aresometimes willing to let bygones be bygones,"Seton says. "They see he has transcended all ofthose individual interests and established himselfover a larger period."

Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis '68 saysthis attitude might be tied to students' positivefeelings about the College as a whole.

"The climate on this campus in general is verypositive over lots of things," says Lewis, whopraised Epps as an "extraordinary figure."

"Some of the feelings students may have aboutHarvard have spilled over to his credit, which isfine," Lewis says.


While Epps says his "reputation has changeddepending on the issues" he has focused on, hesays his receptions at this time feels likepayback for his love of the College and itsstudents.

"I see it as a vindication of the way I'vetried to go about things," says Epps, who addshappily that "all the good is coming out as Ileave."

"I'm just a person who likes the way collegestudents are and who has the patience to wait forthem to change and grow up," he says.

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