In a world increasingly defined by our interaction with technology, organizations such as CyberTrain and Intercity could help even the gap between the technology haves and have-nots.
Organizers said the joint venture's achievements are remarkable, given that the collaboration is only one year old.
One of their success stories is Charles White, who was in between jobs as a cook before he enrolled in InterCity's program. Now he's in the final stages of applying for a job at CitySoft, a Web development firm in Boston and graduated from InterCity's program at yesterday's small commencement ceremony.
. "I love doing this and hope to make a career out it," he said.
Yet the program can be difficult for students, who often must hold down full-time jobs and juggle other responsibilities while they take classes.
Out of an initial class of 12 students this semester, only four completed the requirements for graduation. "I'm surprised to be here today," White said.
The classes are scheduled for only four hours a week, yet they typically run much longer.
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