
The Alchemy of Advising

"These are things we've been trying to do for awhile," says Lawrence Professor of Chemistry David A. Evans. "They are decisions that would have been made by the Faculty."

"We're just pleased that University hall has backed us," he adds. "I think that U-Hall is to be congratulated for supporting our plans. We're delighted with the cooperation we've had from central administration for the departmental proposals to increase funding for student centers."


Evans also says that he thinks students are happy with the changes.

In fact, most students say they are extremely pleased by the changes, and that they have noticed a difference within the department.

"I feel the department is definitely trying to show a more caring attitude, Deiner says. "There is a more open communication feeling."

"I think that they are doing a lot of good things," says Jason D. Birch, a first-year graduate student, "and students are excited."

Beaver says she is most impressed with the responsiveness of the administration to the Quality of Life Committee and its ideas.

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