Other campus organizations expressed theirsupport for the Seneca.
Many members of the Delta Gamma (DG) sororityas well as the campus' only female final club, theBee, attended the event.
Wendy Charon '99, a member of DG, said shelearned about the event through word-of-mouth fromher sorority sisters.
"I came because I wanted to support what seemslike a well-founded group," she said. "It'ssomething that's worth knowing about."
Butler said women's groups like DG and the Beehave given the Seneca the benefit of theirexperience. "We want to get advice from them," shesaid.
Members have been working rapidly to get theclub organized for next year, Butler said.
Butler said the club held elections last weekand sent out their first fundraising mailing toabout 200 people--parents and prominent alumni.
They are currently focusing their energies intoa real estate committee in charge of searching fora club building and a legal committee toaccelerate the incorporation process