
Women Leaders Do Brunch at KSG

"My single disappointment [at this breakfast] is that none of the students at my table want to run for office. But you can't just work from the outside," Martin said.

"Besides, power is great. Running for office and winning is a terrific high," she quipped.

Jennifer M. Smith, the current premier of Bermuda--a British dependent territory--left students with a final piece of advice.

"When it comes to women and politics, you will be tested. But there's nothing like earning your stripes," Smith said. "The most important thing is to have faith in yourself."

The event was the brainchild of Colleen T. Gaard '99, intern at CWWL and chair of the 1998 Women's Leadership Project, who attended the CWWL last year.


"I was so inspired by my contact with members of the council at the first summit that I jumped at the chance to give others the same opportunity for close, interpersonal conversations," Gaard said.

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