
Diversity Among Faculty Increases

Interdisciplinary Ph.Ds

In other business , the Faculty Council heard preliminary discussion of two new Ph.D Programs.

The first would be a joint venture between the Division of Engineering and Applied Science in FAS and the Harvard Business School to offer a degree in Information Technology and Management.

"There are some things going on in information technology right now that really challenge the problem as it orginally has been posed," said Professor of Business Administration Macro Iansiti, who is working to develop the program.

Ian siti said the program would provide"bridge across disciplines that have traditionally been isolated. This has the potential of creating fundamental new ways of looking at the fields."


A new doctoral program in the Department of Afro-American Studies was also discussed at yesterday's meeting.

Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Science Christoph J. Wolff said a Harvard Afr0-American studies Ph.D program couldhave profound effect on the field.

"I think it would have an impact on national affairs, since Af-Am does need Faculty for its further growth," he said. "Harvard really does have a very balanced and attractive undergraduate program, but no graduate program that would be table to teach people elsewhere."

Wolff said that in comprison to Yale and Berkeley's doctoral programss, which are largely humanities-based, a Harvard program could build on the department's existing strength : its links to the social science . Many Afro-American studies professors hold joint appionments with other Harvard departments and Faculities.

"I'm pretty confident that the two programs will be accepted either this spring or early next fall," Wolff said.

The Faculty Council also considered a proposal by Dean of the College Harry R.Lewis '68 to compile a list of the various ways a student can be forced to take a leave of absence fro college. Currently thyese regulations, which include sereve untreated psychological illness and non-payment of tution bills are scattered throughout the student handbook.

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