Plunkett calls the current attitude amongalumnae one of "frustration."
Faced with such criticism for a year, Radcliffehas reached out to alumnae in attempts to helpthem feel involved in the process. Alumnae opinionhas been solicited both through a special e-mailaccount and through letters to the RadcliffeQuarterly.
And last fall, college President Linda S.Wilson embarked on a month-long, 10-city nationaltour to gather alumnae opinion about the process.
Plunkett says all of these efforts havesuccessfully gathered alumnae opinion, but noneallowed alumnae a glimpse at options the trusteesare considering for the future.
Plunkett says she understands Radcliffe'sunwillingness to describe details of thenegotiations. But she says the trustees have saidso little that they have not convinced alumnae whytalks are needed in the first place.
"There's just been silence--a very officialstance of silence," Plunkett says.
At the close of the fall trip, Wilson had saidthat she might embark on another tour this spring,but according to Radcliffe spokesperson Michael A.Armini, such a tour has not yet been planned.
But RCAA Second Vice President Diana E. Post'67 says Wilson shouldn't leave Cambridge if shecan't bring alumnae more details about theprocess.
"I think going on another tour would frustratepeople more than it would be helpful," Post says.
And Post says it's now time to either come toan agreement with Harvard or break off talksaltogether.
"There should be a tremendous pressure to getthis settled in the near future," she says.
Post calls the possibility of talks dragging onfor another a year a "disaster."
"It think that would be the slow death ofRadcliffe," she says. "I would at that point bevery suspicious that Harvard was doing it onpurpose. It's not life or death for Harvard. It'slife or death for Radcliffe." RCAA Debates And as the Board continues to negotiate withHarvard, the RCAA still awaits any announcementsabout the future of the college. Constitutionally required to examine its ownfuture every five years, the RCAA is currentlywrapping up its own strategic planning process,which started in July of last year. The grouphopes to present its "futures report" to Radcliffeand the trustees in June. Read more in NewsRecommended Articles