
Council Urges University to Cut Ties to Irresponsible Businesses

"I think we really need to start working on advising. We need to start working on student services," she said

"This is ridiculous that we had to trudge around to find a room tonight," she added. "We should all go out there and really push for a student center."


In other council business, Springfest allocations for security, food and a shuttle bus to the Quad were approved almost unanimously. Rachel E. Barber '99, who opposed the bill, questioned how much council money would go towards the event.

"I represent the 4,500 undergraduates who will not attend Springfest," she said as she voted.

Finally, Stephen N. Smith '02 announced the upcoming softball game against The Crimson. Smith and Seton encouraged members to join the team.

"We're going to have to beat them by a lot," said Seton, appearing slightly unsure about the council's chances.

"Yeah, but they're the one's writing the article [about the outcome of the game]," responded a representative.

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