
Byerly Suspect Faces Grand Jury

Rape victim refuses to press charges

HUPD spokesperson Peggy A. McNamara declined to comment yesterday on the release of information to the district attorney's office.

"The investigation is definitely ongoing," she said.


Two days after the attack, HUPD investigators released a composite sketch of the suspect, but would not say whether the victim or a witness had given information to the sketch artist.

The suspect, a white male, is about six feet tall and 35 to 40 years old. He has very short hair, a thin build and a thin acne-scarred face.

Byerly Hall houses Harvard's undergraduate and graduate offices of admissions and financial aid, as well as administrative staff offices for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

The assault occurred on the second floor of the building just after 7:15 p.m., when most employees had left for the day--and just minutes after hundreds of students held a demonstration in the Yard demanding that the University take a tough stand on sexual assault.

Byerly's security system, which includes alarmed doors and windows, had been broken for a year before the rape, according to Byerly Hall employees and HUPD officials.

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