
Adams House Names New Masters

For her part, Judith Palfrey is a self described"avid shellfisher" with a passion for drama.

Although she has frequently served as mastercarpenter for Harvard dramatic productions, shesaid her last performing role was as the hind endof a horse. Adams House's pool theater, she said,would be an ideal place to hone her acting skills.

"I intend absolutely to have a part [in Houseproductions]," she said.

According to Cabot House Co-Master Janice Ware,one of Judith Palfrey's colleagues at Children'sHospital, the pair will make excellent Houseadministrators. Given Adams House's reputation forsupporting the arts, she said the match isespecially strong.

"I think that they'll make marvelous masters,"Ware said. "They bring a great combination to theHouse...and it's such a great venue for them."


And on the academic side, both Palfreys havereceived numerous awards for their work inpediatrics and their involvement in communityaffairs. Sean Palfrey said he has served as amentor to the Human Faces program, a division ofProject H.E.A.L.T.H., a campus group thatorganizes student participation in communityhealth programs.

He said that as masters the two will work toenhance such activities in the House.

"People can expect us to be looking for ways touse the House for these community activities," hesaid.

But the Palfreys said they expect to spendtheir first year in the House getting accustomedto the particulars of Adams House and doing a lotof listening to students and tutors.

Still, Judith Palfrey said she is honored tofollow in the footsteps of Kiely, who throughouthis 24-year tenure has been an especiallywell-liked master who worked to strengthen theAdams House community during randomization.

"The notion of unity and diversity in the Houseis something we'd like to continue," she said.

Kiely said that although he was not involved inthe selection process, he feels the Palfreys' werea good choice. After nearly 25 years in the House,he said he has a great deal of advice for the newmasters.

"I'll try to be helpful, but also to stay outof the way," Kiely said
