InterFraternity Council President Mark D. Metzlsaid the group's proposal should alleviate anyGreek concerns.
"The report is more of an expansion of ourprograms and polices rather than any sort ofpunitive measure or a change of Greek life atPenn," Metzl said.
Snyder said that some aspects of the plan couldbe difficult to implement, especially ideas likebuilding a bowling alley on campus to increasesocial options.
"We did not consider finances or real estateavailability," Snyder said. "The approach that thecommittee took was we were going to leave that upto the officials."
He said, however, that he felt the plan was arealistic solution to alcohol problems on campus.
Snyder said students have had a mixed reactionto the group's proposal.
"There are students who expected us to go dryand for them, this is a victory," Snyder said."There are other people who want it to go back tothe way it was."
Rodin officially received the proposalyesterday and has now asked for students and othermembers of the Penn community to comment untilJune 30