
Cambridge Libraries Okay Unrestricted Net Access

In addition to furnishing such general specifications, the MLN allows leeway for member libraries to develop their own guidelines for providing Web access to patrons.

In Practice

The main Cambridge branch, located at 449 Broadway St., possesses five terminals available for general Internet functions, including e-mail, Web-surfing, and downloading of files.


With about 1500 users taking advantage of its free Web access each month, the library has adopted a reservation system.

Four of the five computers designated for general Internet use may be reserved for up to an hour per day. Use of the fifth machine is limited to 20 minutes.

"The only rule is that the patron must have an active library card and sign in at the reference desk," Dickinson says.

In addition to the five Internet terminals in the reference section of the library, the downstairs children's area features three more networked machines.

These may be reserved for 30 minutes per day and feature a menu of resources geared toward young people.

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