"Activism on campus should be leavened with a lot of study and open discussion-let's hear both sides of the issue," he said.
Sleeper said Marxist thought helped explain the school shootings in Littleton, Colo.-implying corporate America's marketing of violence as acceptable lay behind the tragedy.
"Corporations are trying to make a buck by titillating people's worst impulses," he said. "That's not free speech. The kids sense that."
Audience criticism became fairly heated as a few students argued Sleeper's opinions on race in America.
Sleeper commented on race problems optimistically. "There are moments when the glass is almost full-we need to get used to it. I truly believe that the media plays up the bad; it is not to our advantage."
One woman in the audience said she felt that Sleeper's speech made it sound as if racial problems were obsolete.
"I could take what you are saying tonight that there is no more racism," she said. "I'm worried about what people will take away from your form of activism."
"Well," Sleeper answered, "with activism, that's a risk you always have to take."