"We're protesting against the homogenized imageof the...perfect woman," Bhatt said.
Bhatt said last year the week's themes weremore general in scope, trying to encompass adiversity of women's issues.
"We've tried to be more focused this year onissues of violence" against women she said. "If wereduce or focus we can get a lot more attentionand a better reaction."
Organizers said they are hoping the increasedattention given to issues of rape and sexualassault in the past year will make students moreaware of TBTN.
"I do think it is more important this year, andit is important to tie it to the rapes that havehappened this past year," Bhatt said.
In September Joshua M. Elster, Class of 2000,pled guilty in Middlesex Superior Court to rapeand indecent assault and battery of anundergraduate woman. The same month, D. DrewDouglas, Class of 2000, admitted to indecentassault and battery of a female undergraduate.
In February, both of their victims spokepublicly for the first time, prompting discussionof the administration's methods of prevention ofsexual assault.
Members of TBTN are distributing a packet ofinformation about rape and sexual assault,including statistics, poems and a survey forundergraduates