
Groups Ponder Name Change, Post-Radcliffe

"When we go to the NCAA we're officiallyrecognized as Harvard, but all our competitorsstill recognize us as Radcliffe and our colors areblack and red, not crimson," heavyweight crewcaptain Katherine Tomford '99 said.

Some groups have benefited from more than justthe Radcliffe tradition, such as the Associationof Black Radcliffe Women (ABRW), which has anoffice in Radcliffe Yard. While ABRW PresidentEdidiong N. Ikpe '00 said the organization mightconsider a name change in the future, it decidedagainst one earlier this year.

Some group leaders also said changing theirnames could alienate their alums.

"We have 180 alumnae who wouldn't stand for itand frankly, neither would I," said RadcliffePitches President Gwen Y. Shen '00.

But Harvard-Radcliffe Undergraduate Councilrepresentative Kyle D. Hawkins '02, who isbringing a bill before the council to remove theRadcliffe from its name, said keeping the title isinaccurate.


"I think most people will recognize that sincethere's no longer a Radcliffe College, we cannotmaintain the word Radcliffe in our name eventhough some UC members may not approve of themerger," Hawkins said
