
Baseball Two Games Up in Rolfe

Huling delivered a two-run single, Binkowski athree-run double and Bridich a three-run home runduring the binge, which lasted 45 minutes and saw13 Harvard batters step in against three Bearpitchers.

"Bridich got a couple of big hits for us",Walsh said. "He's given us some spark with the batand great wheels on the basepath. He's gone from aguy who wasn't expected to be an everyday playerto a guy who, every time up, is in an RBIsituation, and we feel confident with him there."

Brown starter Jamie Grillo (3-3) entered thefifth with a comfortable 5-1 lead, supplied by anearly ambush of senior righthander Garett Vail.

But Grillo ran out of gas and got grilled,allowing the only five batters he faced in theframe to reach base safely. The Crimson put itsfirst seven on base in the inning, and they allscored.

Singles by San Salvador and Carey sandwichedaround a walk to Bridich loaded the bases forHuling, who slapped a two-run single to right. Awalk to Woodfork ended Grillo's day, as hefinished with five earned runs on five hitsthrough four.


Keck then blooped an RBI single to right togreet reliever Brian Chase, and Binkowski followedby driving a bases-clearing double to straightawaycenter field for a 6-5 lead.

Carmack's RBI single two batters later wasevidently more than Chase could stomach, as heplunked freshman Josh San Salvador, the lastbatter he faced.

Bridich then drilled a three-run home run tocenter off Bryant Romo, and the Crimson's lead wasintact at 11-5.

"I love it!" Bridich said. "It's definitelysomething to take pride in when you can come up inthat situation and greet a pitcher like that. It'snot something I was consciously thinking about,but it's nice to do."

The double-digit explosion took some of thesting out of rough outing for two of the Crimson'susual aces, Vail and junior reliever Derek Lennon,both of whom got roughed up. Vail surrendered fiveearned runs in a short 2.1-inning stint, whileLennon was stuck with seven earned runs on sixhits through 2.1.

Sophomore Mike Dryden (1-1), who relieved Vailin the third, earned the vulture win, going 1.2shutout innings while allowing just two hits andstriking out two.

Brown would threaten again in the seventh,scoring five off Lennon and bringing DeYoung tothe plate representing the tying run, but Jamiesoncoaxed him into a lazy fly-out for his firstsave--only Harvard's second--of the season.

Binkowski had a strong series opener, going3-for-5 with five RBI after knocking in two with abloop single in the sixth. Huling was 3-for-4 withthree RBI and two runs scored, and Keck was3-for-5 with three runs and two RBI.

HARVARD, 15-12at Aldrich-Dexter Field, Providence, R.I.  R  R  EHarvard  010  010)2  2  --  15  15  0Brown  113  002  5  --  12  14  1HR: Harvard--Bridich (2); Brown--Gallagher(4), Capello 2 (2). 2B: Harvard--Huling (12),Keck (6), Binkowski (5); Brown--Stepp 2 (6),Kantrovitz 2 (11), DeYoung (6), Gallagher (8),Metzger (3). E: Brown--DeYoung (11).WP: Dryden (1-1); LP: Grillo (3-3);S: Jamieson (1)

Brown, 4-3 (8 INNINGS)at Aldrich-Dexter Field, Providence, R.I.  H  B  EHarvard  021  000  00  --  3  9  1Brown  210  000  01  --  4  10  02B: Harvard--Woodfork (6); Brown--Kantrovitz(12). 3B: Brown--DeYoung (3) E:Harvard--Mager (7).WP: Johnson (5-0); LP: Birtwell (3-3).

HARVARD, 10-5at Aldrich-Dexter Field, Providence, R.I.  R  H  EHarvard  503  002  0  --  10  12  1Brown  000  003  2  --  5  7  2HR: Brown--Lawler (4), Iarussi (3).2B: Harvard--Mager (5), Carey (6), Carmack (4);Brown--Metzger (4). E: Harvard--Mager (8);Brown--Kantrovitz (10), Merten (1).WP: Crockett (3-1): LP: Sunderdick (6-1).

HARVARD, 6-2at Aldrich-Dexter Field, Providence, R.I.  R  H  EHarvard  003  020  1  --  6  8  4Brown  002  000  0  --  2  4  1E: Harvard--Mager (9), Carey 2 (11),Portman (2); Brown--Gallagher (17).WP: Jamieson (4-0); LP: Brown (2-3).S: Vail (2).

CrimsonErica C. HutchinsBIG BEN:Freshman BEN CROCKETTimproved to 3-1 by shutting down Brown in a 10-5win yesterday.

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