
Alumni Visit for 'Return to Harvard' Day

Some of them fit easily into the undergraduate routine.

"I ran into some [alumni] who were skipping their classes," Marcy said.


Meanwhile, a few participants went to classes but found the professors were no-shows.

Charles E. Baldwin III '54 decided to visit Assistant Professor of Anthropology Elizabeth Chilton's Anthropology 100, "Rediscovering Past Societies: An Introduction to Archaeology." Chilton, however, never appeared and the class was canceled.

"The assistant was there and he was embarrassed," Baldwin said. "I was disappointed. I thought it was very poor."

But for the most part, the alumni said they enjoyed attending the lectures.

"I went to the one with Reverend Gomes and every word he speaks is a gem," David C. Alan '86 said. "It helped me formulate some thoughts."

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