
Staff Awakens to Abrupt Announcement Yesterday Morning

At 9:30 yesterday morning, Radcliffe's full staff--secretaries and vice-presidents, receptionists and institute directors--gathered quietly in Radcliffe's Lyman Common Room. The day they had been awaiting for over a year had finally arrived.

Radcliffe President Linda S. Wilson rose, and in a 15-minute-long prepared statement, announced that the future of their institution had been decided, and that she herself was to step down as their president. For many, these were the first solid details about the long-awaited announcement.

"I was surprised last night [when I heard], and I know most people were surprised this morning," said Dean of Educational Programs Tamar March.

As a top staff member, March was first informed that Harvard and Radcliffe had reached a final announcement last night, but said her own staff drove to work this morning unaware that they would be called away from their normal duties for today's announcement.


When Wilson called for questions from her assembled staff, Mary Maples Dunn, who will take over for Wilson as interim head of Radcliffe on June 1, immediately requested the floor.

But rather than questioning the outgoing leader, she praised her for her years of service and thanked her for her dedication. Others echoed Dunn's sentiments, and Wilson was given a standing ovation.

And then, at 10 a.m. sharp, the meeting was over. The bombshell dropped, Radcliffe's employees headed back to their buildings and offices.

March said yesterday that those who make Radcliffe run are still adjusting to the dramatic news.

"It was too rapid for people to react immediately," she said. "I'll know better after they've slept on it."

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