
Cuomo Discusses American Obsession With Money

Former New York Gov. addresses crowd at Law School Forum

With only 40 percent of registered voters voting,

Cuomo implored law school students to takeinterest in bigger issues, advocate forthemselves, and try to better their environment"before [they've] traveled the world or bought aPorsche."

He emphasized that taking a personal stance onissues was important because not many peoplepossess the ability or the money to individuallychange legislation by becoming politicians.

Cuomo demanded a shift in the allocation of thegross national product toward giving more money toeducation at the local level.

Comparing the information superhighway to atoll road, Cuomo said that "you can't get on theinformation superhighway without a computer athome and this costs money."

Cuomo's enthusiastic speech reminded audiencemembers of what he said was everyone's individualresponsibility to make a difference and help thedisadvantaged.


"If you think that by helping the weak you aregoing to weaken the strong, that's a lot ofgarbage," he said

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