
Harvard Runners Face Heartbreak Hill

Like Houghteling and Reckhow, John Paul Rollert'00 is running the marathon unofficially.

Rollert says he views the marathon as apersonal challenge.

"At Harvard we always get tested mentally. It'snice to be physically put to the test, as a friendof mine once said," he says.

"I can't think of any test that is moreaccessible than the Boston Marathon. You can go toHawaii and do the Ironman, but if you're in theBoston area [this is it]."

Today will be Rollert's second time running themarathon. He ran last year's race just weeks afterrecovering from a foot injury and had little timeto train.


Although he described the race as "prettyterrible," Rollert was pleased with the overallexperience.

"It was my first time doing it, and I was ableto do it in under four hours," he says. "[Crossingthe finish line] was one of the greatestexperiences of my life, or one of greatest reliefsof my life, to put it better."

This year he hopes to drop his time to 3:45,but says his primary goal is to finish.

Erica L. Brooks '99 and Eleanor M. Pries '99are combining a quest for a physical challengewith a desire to help others. The first-timemarathoners have each raised $1,500 for the RedCross.

Pries says today's marathon comes at aparticularly relevant time, given the Red Cross'extensive relief efforts in Kosovo.

While being a member of the Red Cross teammeans the pair will run as official runners, Priessays their primary goal is to finish.

"This is an incredible experience, and if youget really pissed off about a time it'sunfortunate," she says. "We just want to finishand be alive and feel good about it."

Combined, the pair has experience playing forHarvard's soccer, rugby and lacrosse teams, buthad no formal running experience before decidingto do the marathon.

They have been training five days a week, about35 to 40 miles, for much of 1999. Pries says shealso relies on crosstraining, such as swimming, tohelp.

"We're athletes, not runners," Pries says.

two have benefited from a membership in theBoston Running Club, a perk of running with theRed Cross team.

After training for so long, Pries says they areready to get out on the course.

"I'm totally pumped," she says. "I definitelythink we're ready.

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