
Lewis Says ROTC Will Not Change In Near Future

BGLTSA leaders report positive meeting with dean

Lewis did not say change would never come onthe issue, instead saying that the Faculty couldseek to change the situation sometime in thefuture.

He took issue in particular with the council'scall for the College to help ROTC cadets withtransportation to MIT. Lewis said transportationproblems for students across campus were already amatter of concern for the College.

He questioned why the council felt ROTCstudents' transportation issues took priority overstudents cross-registered in classes at MIT ordoing community service projects elsewhere in theBoston area.

"I have never heard of a problem about transportationto the ROTC program at MIT, and so am surprisedthat the U.C. is putting that forward as apriority over, apparently, these other needs,"Lewis wrote.

Vote to Rescind Planned


Council member Alexander A. Boni-Saenz '01 saidhe is planning to ask the council to rescind theROTC bill in the coming weeks. Some councilmembers may also object on the basis that the billgoes against the council's non-discriminationclause, he said.

The proposal to rescind cannot be voted on thisweek because according to council rules, thereneeds to be enough "prior notice" before aproposal can be considered, Boni-Saenz said.

"[The planning] is kind of all up in the air,"he said

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