
Former GOP, Democratic Chairs Lock Horns in IOP Debate

Grossman said the issue of a minimum wage was part of any discussion about taxation, saying Republicans were ignoring the concerns of working people.

"I know what it is like to pay a minimum wage, Haley," Grossman said. "I run a business. [An increased] minimum wage is not going to undermine the wonderful growth that we have had for the last six and a half years."

Grossman talked about the difference between Democrats and Republican in the area of hate crimes.

"There are only 10 states that have [gay] employment discrimination laws," Grossman said. "We are trying to pass a national discrimination employment law."

Barbour said that he did not discriminate against anyone, on any basis, and that there should not be any categories for "special" crimes.


"If my son was killed, should his murderer get a lesser sentence because my son wasn't a homosexual?" Barbour asked.

Grossman countered by saying that racism and bigotry existed in the workplace, despite the fact that the owner of a particular business may not be biased.

"It is a fact that people discriminate against gays and lesbians," Grossman said. "You may be a wise employer and treat your employees equally. But there may still be discrimination against some of your workers."

The two also debated the conflict in Kosovo.

"I think it is a tragic calculation that Clinton has sacrificed our honor and credibility on this issue," Barbour said, adding that the United States had no nationalinterests in Kosovo.

"What about Rwanda, East Timor, NorthernIreland, and Turkey? What about Sierra Leone,where more people have been killed there in themonth of January than have been killed in Kosovoin the last five years?" he said. "We have nobusiness in Kosovo."

"We do have a national interest in Kosovo,"Grossman countered. "America stands for something.There are big multinational corporations in Russiaand other countries that the IMF bails out, and wegive [the IMF] a lot of money. But when it's avicious tyrant going willy-nilly on the people ofSerbia, why don't we care?"

The two also gave their thoughts on the 2000election.

Grossman said that the key to winning theelections would be grassroots politicalorganizing, targeting specific voting groups anddemographics.

The outcome, he said, would be good forDemocrats.

"As many Democrats will tell you, we are hopingfor an election that will result in a Speaker[Richard] Gephardt," Grossman said

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