
The Graying of theFaculty

"[But] it really hasn't happened," she says.

The Numbers

Administrators say the number of professors affected by the change in the law is quite small. Many Faculty members appreciate their decreasing productivity as they approach 70 and choose to step down even without a University requirement.


But still the retirement issue was one of few concerns raised in Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles' otherwise upbeat annual letter to the Faculty.

According to the letter, only 66 Faculty members have reached age 70 since 1993. But of that number, 43--or 65 percent--have retired.

Knowles says he's not yet concerned.

"Since many of our colleagues who have not yet retired have indicated their retirement plans, I am not yet especially concerned about 'renewal,' or about the continued vibrancy of the Faculty as a whole," Knowles wrote in the letter.

While University administrators acknowledge the small number of Faculty affected, they also admit that the presence of only one older professor who can't quite pull their weight creates the appearance of a larger problem.****

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