
W. Water Polo Wins One, Loses Three

The Tigers would go on to win the tournament.

"I think the Princeton game was our best all year," Williams said. "We will definitely see them at Easterns."


The Crimson's eight goals was the most by any team against the Tiger goalie this year.

After the heart-breaking loss to Princeton, the Crimson could not find the mental and physical energy to perform well against UMass in the Crimson's last game on Sunday. After the anti-climactic final tournament game, UMass prevailed with a victory.

"It was sort of a lackluster performance on our part," Williams said. "I think we've learned a lot from the weekend."

Next weekend, the Crimson will play at Wesleyan to win a spot at Easterns, which Harvard will host April 23-25.

"They're not a strong team at all," Williams. "I don't think they've been a varsity team for very long."

Undoubtedly, though, the Crimson will not overlook Wesleyan, especially with such a prize position in Easterns at stake.

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