In particular, the written resolution praised Epps for his role in increasing diversity on campus. The resolution also noted that undergraduate student organizations have tripled in number under his watch.
A copy of the resolution will be sent to Epps on behalf of the council.
In other business, the council heard from Councillor Kathleen L. Born, chair of the housing and community development committee, on MIT's Housing Impact Statement.
Harvard submitted its own statement to the committee earlier this year.
MIT told Cambridge that it plans to build more undergraduate and graduate housing in Cambridge, especially because it has committed to housing all first-years on campus in dorms rather than fraternities.
MIT made this pledge following the 1997 death of MIT first-year Scott M. Krueger, who died of alcohol poisoning after a fraternity hazing incident.
Born also questioned Healy about who would be paying for the extra security needed for Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji's visit to MIT tomorrow.
Healy reassured Born that MIT would be paying for the cost of any additional overtime incurred by Cambridge police officers because of the visit.