
Tipper Gore Bradley Address N.H. Dems

"Quite frankly, I was very inspired by Bradley, I thought today's speech was dynamite," Ross said. "But [Gore] is a future-looking person. He's got a good view of what the future can be, and that's the essential thing for the president."

One uncommitted delegate said he was impressed by both speakers, but was unsure that Bradley could mount a successful challenge to the well-financed and widely supported Gore.

"I was hoping to get a little more inspiration and enthusiasm from Bradley than I did," said Canaan delegate Art Ferrier, a high school government teacher.

One Bradley supporter at the conven- tion, Rindge Democratic Chair Peter Howe, saidit was too early to look at polls.

"He's going to win this primary," Howe said.

The candidate himself acknowledged at a pressconference following his speech that he waslagging behind Gore. But, he said, "It's a longway to February 2000."


In his speech, Bradley acknowledge a group ofabout 20 students from his alma mater, Princeton,who made the trek from New Jersey to support theformer senator.

Caitlin A. Fritz, a Princeton first-year whocame with the group, said she was impressed by thecandidate.

"I thought he was an amazing speaker," shesaid.

While at Princeton, Bradley was a three-timebasketball All-American. He later played for theNew York Knicks. He was first elected to theSenate in 1978

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