
Spee Final Club Decides to Close Its Doors to Non-Members

Alums and undergrads agree on new policy

"I don't think it was easy for the young people, but they were grown up enough to understand in," Sears said.

"Let's go down to the old 76 [Mt. Auburn St.] and trash the place," he said. "That just doesn't cut it any more."

Sears added that he spoke with two men who have worked at the club for 30 years, and they agreed the decision was in the club's best interest.

The club will be convening over the next week to talk about creating a new policy in the place of the current abso- lute restriction, Goldschmid said. However, headded, this policy would probably not be set instone either.

"I'd like to have that plan done in the nextweek or so," Goldschmid said. "That would be ourguest policy until the end of the year."

He said he sees other clubs' changes astemporary as well.


Discussing the A.D. and Owl clubs, Goldschmidsaid. "I wouldn't doubt that they'll be open againnext year."

The Spee decision comes one month after theflood of final club guest policy changes appearedto be slowing, according to Rev. Douglas W. Sears'69, President of Inter-Club Council (ICC), thegoverning board of the final clubs.

After a quarterly meeting of the ICC held Feb.18, Rev. Sears said graduate representativesseemed less agitated about the current state offinal clubs and their role in the social scene.

Rev. Sears said these policy changes the clubshave been making would be unnecessary if clubs hadfollowed the guest guidelines the ICC recommendedin 1996.

"People say we need to clamp down. But if theyjust looked at what we agreed to, there wouldn'tbe a problem," Rev Sears said.

As for the future of the other clubs Rev. Searssaid they will make changes if they feel they arenecessary.

"The Fly [club] is the one everyone isinterested in seeing taking a stand," Sears said.

Because the Fly boasts the largest guestroom ofany of the clubs, Rev. Sears said people areawaiting its members' moves.

Spee Graduate President Frederick C. Childs '79could not be reached for comment

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