
High Drama In Softball Sweep

Yale would score its only run in the seventhwhen junior Ginger Dunn led off with a triple andlater scored on sophomore Monica Lebron'sgroundout to second. But Thoke then struck outAlice Liu to end the game.

"We should have hit more," Abeles said. "Ithink we were a little nervous, but once we gotmore relaxed hits started to come."

Thoke received plenty of defensive help,highlighted by a pair of gems in the fourthinning. Yale junior Kathy Ching led off the fourthby stinging a Thoke offering down the first-baseline. Godfree made a backhand stab at the ball,scooping it up nicely, and stepped on the bag forthe first out.

One out later, sophomore Kristen Maturo roped aball toward the line in right that looked like itwould surely fall in for a hit. But Koppel camecharging in and made a gorgeous tumblingshoestring catch to rob Maturo and end the inning.

HARVARD, 2-1at Soldiers Field  R  H  EYale  000  000  1  --  1  2  0Harvard  010  001  X  --  2  10  2HR: None. 2B: None. 3B:Yale--None. Harvard--Dunn. SB: Yale--Lebron;Harvard--Dunn. E: Yale--None; Harvard--LaSovage, Teller.WP: Thoke (5-6); LP: Hickey (8-2)


HARVARD, 9-3at Soldiers Field  R  H  EYale  300  000  0  --  3  4  3Harvard  430  002  X  --  9  13  3HR: None. 2B: Yale--Johnson;Harvard--Fu, Abeles 2, Teller, Amberg. 3B:Yale--None. Harvard--LaSovage. SB:Yale--Ching; Harvard--LaSovage. E:Yale--Nakata, Ching, Flynn; Harvard--LaSovage,Abeles, Guy.WP: Guy (2-5); LP: Gengaro (8-4)

HARVARD, 3-1at Soldiers Field  R  H  EBrown  010  000  0  --  1  5  3Harvard  000  003  X  --  3  8  0HR: None. 2B: Brown--Connors, ller;Harvard--LaSovage, Godfree, Fu. 3B: None.SB: None E: Brown--ludicello 2,Connors; Harvard--None.WP:Thoke (6-6); LP: Blake (0-1)

HARVARD 7-6at Soldiers Field  R  H  EBrown  400  000  20  --  6  12  5Harvard  014  003  11  --  7  11  1HR: Brown--Connors. 2B: Brown--Parrott, Nicolay; Harvard--Teller, Koppell. 3B: Brown--Iudicello; Harvard--None. SB: Brown--McKnight; Harvard--None.E: Brown--Iudicello, Connors 2, Rowbottom, Grant; Harvard--GodfreeWP: Thoke (7-6); LP: Sutton (0-1)

CrimsonAbigail H. ZobaG-G-G-GHIA:Junior GHIA GODFREE was3-for-7 with three RBI in Sunday's doubleheadersweep.

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