
M. Hockey Roars Into Playoffs

The Crimson rolled for most of the thirdperiod, grinding along the boards and out-workingthe Catmounts for most loose pucks. The Stonehouseline set the tone with a dominant shift threeminutes into the final period, followed by theusual effort from the Allman unit.

With five minutes left in the game, Vermontstarted to pin Harvard in its own zone, butPrestifilippo proved equal to the task.

The Crimson iced the game at the two-minutewarning. Adams pushed a Vermont player off thepuck along the right boards and found freshmanforward Derek Nowak, whom Tomassoni had moved upto the top line for defensive purposes. Nowakone-timed the feed past Allen for his first careergoal.

The top line for Vermont grabbed the first twogoals. Freshman Graham Mink scored both of them onassists from sophomores Phlippe Choiniere andKevin Karlander. The second goal at 17:31 came ona five-on-three power play. Ryan Cox bagged thethird Vermont goal at 3:11 of the second period.

Moore deflected a shot from Storey with 33seconds left in the first for a critical goal todraw Harvard within one. Scorsune boomed a shot onthe power play for Harvard's second goal.


"This was a time when it was on the line,"Moore said. "We had to put up or we were done. Itwas an impressive show of the character of theteam."CrimsonSeth H. PerlmanTHE PUCK STOPS HERE:Junior goalieJ.R. PRESTIFILIPPO had a good weekend, stopping 56shots in Harvard's two home wins over Dartmouthand Vermont. The opposition was only 2-of-11 onpower plays.

HARVARD, 5-3at Bright Hockey CenterVermont  2  1  0  -  3Harvard  1  2  2  -  5

First PeriodVer-Mink (Choiniere, Karlander) 7:50.Ver-Mink (Choiniere, Karlander) 17:31 (PPG)Har-S. Moore (Storey, Scorsune) 19:27.(PPG)

Second PeriodVer-Cox 3:11.Har-Scorsune (S. Moore, Bala) 7:37.Har-Truco (Allman, Morrell) 16:16.

Third PeriodHar-S. Moore (Schwefel, Storey) 9:02 (PPG)Har-Nowak (Adams. S. Moore) 18:00.Saves:Ver-Allen 7-9-9 25; Har-Prestifilippo12-12-5 29.Power Play:Ver-1/6; Har-2/6.Attendance:2, 677

HARVARD, 4-2at Bright Hockey CenterHarvard  3  0  1  -  4Dartmouth  1  0  1  -  2

First PeriodHar-Schwefel (Stonehouse) 0:49.Dar-Taliercio (Casella) 2:51.Har-Turco (Chodorow, Allman) 13:23.Har-Millar (Bala, S. Moore) 16:35. (PPG)

Third PeriodHar-Stonehouse (Scorsune) 4:32. (PPG)Dar-Herrington (Maturo, Byrne) 18:35. (PPG)Saves:Dar-Almon 17-12-6 35;Har-Prestifilippo 11-8-8 27.Power Play:Dar-1/5; Har-2/5.Attendance:2, 281

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