Second-period goals by Suurkask and juniorwinger Kim McManama brought the Crimson back froma 2-0 deficit. Dunn, Ruggiero, senior winger JenGerometta and sophomore center Angie Franciscoeach chipped in with an assist.
Harvard 9, Yale 3
The Crimson outshot the Bulldogs 42-18 andscored four goals in both the first and secondperiods for a convincing 9-3 victory in New Haven.
Mleczko opened the scoring 3:21 into the gamewith help from linemates Shewchuk and Dunn, andHarvard never looked back.
With four goals and three assists, Mleczkocrushed the school career scoring record,previously held by Scott Fusco '86 with 240points. Mleczko-who began the season with theschool women's scoring record-has 246 careerpoints and, with 102 points this year, became thefirst Harvard player ever to score more than 100points in a season.
Shewchuk, however, might break the century markin the postseason. With two goals and four assistsyesterday, Shewchuk remained the nation's highestgoal scorer (44) and now has 90 points on theseason.
Springer continued to work her way back tomidseason form, recording 10 saves in 51:15 on theice. Senior netminder Lauren Harris played out thefinal 8:45 of the regular season, making fivesaves while allowing all three Yale goals.
"I started to feel better in goal as thePrinceton game went on, even though there was alot of pressure," Springer said. "I was morecomfortable against Yale, and hopefully thingswill get better when the playoffs start."
First PeriodPri-Kilbourne (Holmes) 13:08. Second PeriodPri-Coughlin (Kilbourne) 5:57.Har-McManama (Gerometta, Dunn) 9:24.Har-Suurkask (Francisco, Ruggiero) 11:42. (PPG)Har-Shewchuk (Mleczko) 16:33.Pri-Holmes (Coughlin, Grumet-Morris) 18:07. Third PeriodHar-Shewchuk 14:54. (SHG)Pri-Kilbourne (Holtschlag, Holmes) 15:41. (PPG) OvertimeHar-Ruggiero (Shewchuk) 2:52. (SHG) First PeriodHar-Mleczko (Shewchuk, Dunn) 3:21.Har-Shewchuk (Mleczko, Asano) 9:41. (PPG)Har-Shewchuk (Francisco, Mleczko) 12:59. (PPG)Har-Mleczkoi (Asano) 18:12 Second PeriodHar-Suurkask (Shewchuk, Mleczko) 5:05. (PPG)Har-Mleczko 7:41.Har-Mleczko (Waldinger, Dunn) 10:33Har-Francisco (Shewchuk) 17:36. (PPG) Third PeriodYal-Resor (Baston, Barnes) 16:01.Yal-Meyers (Wood) 18:14.Yal-Barnes (Resor, Batson) 18:50.Har-Dunn (Rando) 19:36.