
Donaldson Defends Media Coverage of Clinton Affair

"There are a lot of us now who think that you're smart enough to figure out that when we say 'my opinion' and 'the facts', they're two different things," he said.

In introducing Donaldson, Director of the IOP and former Wyoming Sen. Alan K. Simpson quipped that Donaldson is "pesky, spirited, independent, ornery, opinionated, biased, and tough."

According to Catherine A. McLaughlin, deputydirector of the IOP, Donaldson--whose daughter isa student at the KSG--was invited to speak inresponse to student suggestions earlier thissemester.

Ram C. Gowda '02 said he enjoyed the speech.

"Even though I'm not a big fan of Donaldson'swork on This Week, I was very impressed by hiscandor and honesty about his job and the media,"Gowda said.

But KSG student Jon Scott said Donaldson tookthe media's responsibilities too lightly.


"[The media] has a lot more power than heseemed willing to acknowledge," Scott said.

Despite the criticism leveled againstreporters, Donaldson said he is optimistic aboutthe future of journalism.

"We do make mistakes," he said. "But I thinkthat journalism today is better than it ever hasbeen. [Young journalists] are better-educated andsmarter today, and they've seen more of theworld.

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