
With a little help from your friends...

"We try to be an impartial listener in the lives of the freshmen. They have many problems that we remember because we went through them ourselves very recently," said Dionne Fraser, president of the Black Students Association (BSA). "My formal college advisers have never been as helpful as they thought they were on issues that were important to me personally."

The BSA targets first-years with a mentoring program that pairs first-years with upperclass students. Fraser said the program helped her during her first year here and sees the program as very helpful to its participants.


Like the BSA, WISHR creates a support system through its Big Sib/Little Sib mentoring program, social study breaks and peer study groups at which undergraduates volunteer to tutor fellow students in introductory science classes.

"Through Big Sib/Little Sibs, we hope that all female students will have a resource to turn to at all times for guidance," said Linda Bi '01, the program coordinator.

The program also helps students to find student advice in a more centralized location.

"Students are often the best source of advice, but first-years are sometimes not sure where to turn," Bi said. "Participating in a Sib relationship makes the process of finding a mentor more convenient and friendly."

The Women in Math Club and Undergraduate Math Club are both in the process of developing new one-on-one mentoring programs aimed at helping first-years choose courses and becoming familiar with the concentration.

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