
Legal Experts Say Ad Board Process Unusual, Unjust

"By and large, students are more attached tothe world than college administrators and evencollege professors," Silverglate says. "Studentscome from the real world, and they're going backinto it...[The administration] is isolated."

"If you're being judged, you're entitled tohave your peers as the jury," Silverglate says.

At Cornell three students, one staff member andone faculty member sit on the Hearing Board.

At Stanford, four students and two members ofthe faculty or staff make up the Judicial Panel.

The U. Mass. Judicial Hearing Panel, the YaleExecutive Committee and the UMTC disciplinarypanel are all composed of students, faculty andstaff.


"It's fairer to the student if they're beingjudged by their peers," Whyte says.

"For a student your community is not so much asadministrators as the students," Falkson says.

The Verdict

Harvard administrators say admissions fraud isthe only reason the College has expelled studentsin recent decades. The Ad Board can recommendexpulsion, but the decision then which requires avote of the full Faculty.

The alternative--dismissal--means separationfrom the College for usually more than five yearswith the option to petition for readmission, amove that requires a vote of the full Faculty. TheAd Board also recommends dismissal to the Faculty.

The Ad Board has recommended dismissal, but notexpulsion, in both of the recent sexual assaultcases.

"I think that the University should expelthem," says Roderick Macleish Jr., an attorney whohas advised 12 students at the College who wentbefore the Ad Board. "That person no longerdeserves to be part of the Harvard community."

Many other Universities, including U. Mass.,UMTC, Cornell, Princeton, Yale and Stanford, arewilling to use expulsion to punish students guiltyof the most serious crimes.

"My guess is that it would be a suspension orexpulsion [if a student committed sexual assaultor rape]," Whyte says. "We're taking steps toprotect the University community.

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